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Quick Draw

Quick Draw

Fun things in Quick Draw!


Quick Draw is an online Guessing game developed and published by Google that was released in November 2016. It is considered a fast and fun game for players who love art and imagination. Coming to Quick Draw game, you don't need to have artistic skills to have fun because with just a few characteristic strokes, the technology will identify what you want to draw. The machine has learned enough to be able to distinguish different objects from each other quite well, so as long as you draw the characteristic features of those keywords the system will recognize exactly what they are.


Have fun with your friends and family while exchanging doodle art. Your doodles are a unique data set for the in-game artificial intelligence to collect images and remember, the AI learns from each drawing, improving its ability to guess accurately in the future. And to this day, with more than 15 million players, the Game has acquired a collection reaching 50 million drawings across 345 categories, contributed by Quick, Draw!


Think and act quickly in the Quick Draw game!


One of the main features of Quick Draw is that it provides an extremely easy interface for players to use. The game will provide you with a large canvas or drawing board so you can quickly draw on the specific details of the problem. You can draw anything that you think is related to the given keyword on the drawing board. Or if you realize the drawing is incorrect, just click on the eraser icon in the upper right corner of the screen to erase what you drew without spending too much time.


Style Play

Each round, the Quick Draw game will give you 6 consecutive challenges, each challenge will correspond to a random topic or object in the database that you need to draw. Keep in mind that you only have 20 seconds to complete a drawing. So drawing in detail is impossible, you just need to remember the most characteristic features of that object and draw quickly. While you are drawing, the artificial intelligence will continuously analyze, draw until the AI guesses what you draw is correct for the given keyword. After completing the drawing, the drawing analysis algorithm will evaluate the accuracy of the drawing. At the end of a session, players will receive their drawings and results for each round. You can also see the artificial intelligence comparisons of your work with other players before exiting or replaying.

How To Play?

The game will give you 6 consecutive challenges, each challenge will correspond to a topic or object that you need to draw.

You only have 20 seconds to complete it, so remember the most characteristic features of that object and draw it quickly.

At the end of the round, the 6 pictures you have drawn will be displayed. See how many correctly you can draw in this fun Quick Draw game!

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